If you would like more information about this screenplay, please feel free to contact me at charweb@grandecom.net.

An Introduction to The Bone Counter

This blog is to introduce the screenplay in the process of being written for a proposed film in the horror genre, to be named The Bone Counter.

This screenplay draws upon my experience of having worked as an accountant / financial analyst for a company that processes and distributes human tissue (body parts including bones and soft tissues such as skin, tendons and heart valves). Being the person encharged with accounting for the inventory of the unprocessed and processed tissues, I dubbed myself the "Bone Counter". In that role and others, including creating the business plan for the company that raised its first round of venture capital, much was learned about the operations of human tissue recovery, processing, and distribution.

This film will explore the theme of human greed, as it relates to the exploitation of human suffering and death, and the punishment of such greed by supernatural forces.

This film is not intended to present facts, and any similarities to real people and events are purely coincidental.

This blog will not represent the entirety of the story but instead will provide hints as to where the story is going. Pay close attention to the links displayed on the right hand side of the page.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Synopsis

Palingenesis, a company in the business of processing and distributing products created from human tissues (body parts) obtained from deceased donors, is on the brink of tremendous success with its seemingly miraculous anti-wrinkle serum Hebederm, produced from human skin. It has the patented technology, but needs to expand its sources of material, which are limited in the United States. It turns its eyes to China, at first acquiring bones and skin from a firm that operates in Beijng, then seeking to acquire the company.

Paul Sayre, the CEO of Palingenesis, is the driving force behind the company's growth, leading the charge with the battle cry, "Recycle, Re-Use!" The force behind him, however, is his wife Gabrielle, who has an insatiable desire for all things material, and endlessly pushes Paul to continue increasing their wealth.

Gabrielle also enjoys the youthfulness that Hebederm had given her. Ultimately she and other users of Hebederm begin to become afflicted with nightmares and hallucinations involving ghostly creatures with thin necks and enlarged stomachs, resembling the mythical Buddhist Hungry Ghost.

Maggie Bradshaw is a young accountant who is tasked with analyzing the company's inventory of unprocessed and processed tissues. In her job, she has access to all of the company's databases including donor medical information. While reviewing the available data, she discovers unusual causes of death for the donors whose tissues have been shipped from Beijing.

Ultimately Maggie is sent along with a Palingenesis team of executives, to perform a due diligence investigation and analysis of the operations and inventory of the Beijing firm. While there, she begins piecing together the shocking truth about the firm's source of donor tissue...

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